
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Uganda Post 7 - Why It's Ok to Go

"Who's gonna take care of the kids?!"  - The majority of people I told about my Uganda trip

I got some serious slack from some people that I love dearly for leaving my children "without their mother" for this trip. They told me I couldn't abandon my kids...that my kids are my job...that my kids are my mission field...that I would be scarring my kids more than I would be helping people in Uganda.

Let me tell you again....I love these people...these are family members, coworkers, and church family. They are precious people with good intentions, but what I feel is a misguided and unfortunate understanding of a mother's legacy to her children.

I say it all the time...when I need mommy time...when my friends need it...when I'm talking about being a working mom...when I'm at a Bible study....when I'm off doing a service project...when I drop my kids off in the nursery....when I go on a trip...

How I schedule my time away from my kids is just as important as the time I schedule with them.

If it refreshes me, renews my Spirit, enriches my relationship with God, or serves His purposes, it affects my children just as much as the precious time together that I treasure so much.

Will my kids remember that I love reading them their bedtime story and then doing "little blanket, big blanket" when I tuck them in? Will they remember all of the meals that I made for them?  Will they remember our tickle fights and dance parties in the living room? I pray that they will...that they'll understand how much I loved those sweet little moments. That they'll remember how much I love them and love spending time with them and helping bring up the people that they will grow to be.

But I pray even harder that's not the first thing they remember about me.

I pray constantly that the legacy I leave with my kids wouldn't just be sweet little moments, sage advice, or great guidance (I'm working on those last two!). I pray that, first and foremost, my kids remember me as the hands and feet of Christ, showing Jesus' love to not just them, but the world around them.

My kids come 3rd. There's no getting around that. And they will know that full well as they grow up. It's easy to get our priorities messed up as are all consuming, it's really easy to put other things on the back burner.  But that doesn't make it ok. So I have to keep asking myself, constantly reminding myself...why am I here?  And the answer has nothing and everything to do with my kids....the answer is for Him.

And yes, He blessed me with 2 kids that I get to raise and point towards Him.  But, let's be honest with ourselves, "our" kids aren't "ours" anyway, are they? They're His.  Just like you.  And just like the people I met in Uganda.

I do have a calling as a mother. I am to raise Mason & Madison to know and love Christ.  I do what I can towards that goal.  I love teaching my kids about Jesus and telling them about how He saved them from their sinful nature.  I love talking to them about how God created them just like they are and that He loves them even more than I do and I am so very prayerfully hopeful that they will know Him as their Savior one day.

But I'm called to teach other people that too...

He's given me resources and opportunities to follow Him where He needs me outside the home.  He's given me skills (a very particular set of skills, if you will) that I know He's given me in order to serve Him.

If I see only my home as my mission field, I'm not doing what I'm here to do.  Period.

And if I think that I am the only one that can take care of my kids and show them the love of God, then I'm sadly mistaken as well.

I'm not saying every mom is called to go on a mission trip overseas.  But if you're feeling led to, don't let the fact that you have kids hold you from being obedient to that calling. There will always be reasons to ignore that stirring...but you need to learn to push those reasons aside and trust God's prompting and His protection on your family.

Your kids will be fine.  Your husband will be fine.  Your job will be fine.  The world will go on spinning and God will still be watching over every little thing much better than you ever could.

Even if you're not called to go on a mission trip (short or long), I can guarantee you that God is calling you to some sort of missions outside of your home.  You may need to form a prayer group to pray for unreached people. You may need to drop the kids off at a friend's house in order to go take care of someone else's needs for the day.  You may need to set aside time to fellowship with women in your church community and serve along side them and grow with them. You may need to get a job and use your workplace as a mission field. You may need to volunteer at a school or a nursing home and love on some other people during your week.

You may need to spend some serious time reflecting on how you spend your time and if you're scheduling it to fulfill His purpose or yours.

No matter what your calling is, know this: Your decisions and actions will speak volumes to your family...they will scream of obedience, of dedication to your true purpose in this life, and to God's goodness and love for all of HIS children...because THAT'S what we're here for...that's your mission, whether you're a mom or not.

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