Day 2 was good. I gave my vote - what a great privilege! I picked out some clothes out of my closet and am going to drop them off this weekend. I think the best and worst part of all of this for me is finding time to do all of this. As a mother who works outside of our home, I have to find those rare windows of time to drop off, deliver things, pack things up, bake things, etc. This is going to be a great growth opportunity for me, and hopefully, my entire family. I spend so much time worrying about the kids, grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, my job, etc that I sometimes forget about the rest of the world. Thank you God for a reminder like this one :)
Day 3 was good as well. I spent some time on my lunch break sending out some words of encouragement to some strangers on my favorite cake baking website Cake Central. It's always great to see when people post on your pictures of your creations, so hopefully those bakers got a little boost from that :)
Day 4 is still a question mark. I know that I will be giving some extra time to my husband and am hoping that maybe we can do some giving together :) We'll see what tomorrow holds!
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