
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Batman & Deodorant.

M is one of the funniest kids I've ever met in my life.  Now, I know, everyone thinks their kid is funny and cute.  But seriously...he's hilarious. Just trust me.  And enjoy these latest giggles. 

I've started trying to tell him when things are rude (talking out of turn, talking with your mouth full, etc) and explaining that's the reason we don't do certain things. He's got the concept down for the most part, but now tells me I'm being rude when I do something he doesn't like.  Take this morning for instance.  I set him up in our bed when he woke up early and let him start watching Phineas & Ferb.  Then, I went back into our bathroom to finish doing my hair.  When I came out to get him dressed for the day, this is what I found:

When I started to laugh, he got irritated and told me I was being rude.  He said, "This is how Batman watches cartoons, and it's not funny!"  Well...excuse me.  It's things like this that start a day off on the right foot :) No matter how bad my day is today, I'll have this image in my head! 

Another funny from the Ginger is his new-found love of deodorant.  You read that right - deodorant.  He loves to steal his dad's Irish Spring and lather up.  He puts it from his elbows to his ribs, because apparently he's a sweaty kid.  Then, he'll come up to you with a big grin and his arms raised and tell you to smell "under his shoulders" (I'm working on that...) because he has his "dodorant" on.  I'm not going to lie, it's a little strong.  Ok, a lot strong and sometimes makes me nauseus. But it makes him happy and puberty is just around the corner, so I'm not discouraging this.  Maybe, just maybe, this love for "dodorant" will continue and we can avoid those gross Jr. High boy smells in our house.  Maybe.

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