
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

School Time

Mason's REALLY enjoying his first couple of weeks in public school!  He loves his teacher Mrs. Kincaid, who is a fabulous friend of ours from church and is soaking in making new friends, etc. Here are a few gems from his first couple of weeks of school to show you how cute my kid is and how much of a newbie we are to this school business!

*The first Friday of school, I picked the kids up and as soon as we headed home in the car, Mason sheepishly said from the back seat "Mom, there's a book in my backpack and I don't know if I was supposed to bring it home." 

Imagine the terror of that moment...mortified that my kid stole a book from school on his 1st week, but proud of him for telling me when he felt guilty.

I asked if his teacher put the book there. No. Did the teacher tell him to put it there? No. Did he put it there? No.  How did it get there? I don't know...

We obviously weren't gettting any concrete answers, so I switched gears.  We talked about how you should always ask questions when you're not sure if something is right or wrong, how you should always ask permission before putting something in your backpack, etc.  We covered all the bases and I assured him that we would return the book when he went back to school on Monday and that he could apologize to his teacher then if he wasn't supposed to bring it home.

We got home and I immediately opened his bag to assess the situation.  Sure enough, just like Mason said, there it was - Clifford's Book of Manners from the school library.  I opened his folder to sign off on his day and found a note from his teacher that every Friday was Library Day and that the kids would be checking out books to take home for the week.  I quickly told Mason he was off the hook but that he should still ask questions when he's unsure of something, but was SO relieved that we hadn't stolen that book!

*Mason is SO excited to get to ride the bus every day.  He rides from his school over to the grade school, which is where our daycare provider picks up all of the kids in the afternoon.  He is such a big, responsible kid and loves getting ride with the big kids!

*The kids are supposed to wear their school shirts every Monday.  Mason's been in school 2 Mondays and I have yet to remember to put him in that shirt.  Don't worry - I set a reminder on my phone to recur every Monday from now's hoping technology works more efficiently than my brain.

*I've been asking Mason about his new friends at school.  He can't tell me a lot, but I've got a few names and one real story.  One day at recess, his friend "B" got sand in his eye. It hurt and the teacher had to wash out "B"s eye to get the sand out. Mason seemed concerned, so I assured him that "B" would be fine and these things just happen sometimes. 

Now, every day when I ask him how school was, he leads with, "B didn't get sand his eye today mom" and then proceeds to tell me about the rest of the day.  Such a good little friend ;)

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