
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

When September Ends

Well we have been busy, and alot has gone on over the past month.  The kids continue to grow, Madison is crawling all over the place, and wants to stand and walk... she has that on her "To Do" list for the next month.  She has two teeth on the bottom right in the middle, and I am pretty sure she says "DADA" with fair regularity.  One of her current favorite activities is to climb on her brother like a jungle gym.  And Mason doesn't seem to matter for the time being.

Mason is a weed... but the good kind of weed, not the bad kind like Nutgrass, or Milkweed.  He keeps getting bigger, stronger and alot more adverturesome.  The boy would jump off the kitchen table if I let him, and there was his bean bag or ball pit to land in.  He is still a daddy's boy... doesn't look like there is any end in sight (which I fully enjoy!)  He can talk... and does!  He quotes movies, TV shows, what ever Beth or I say... we are to that age where Beth now has to watch what she says around him ;)  

Well in case you can't tell by the writing style, this is not Beth, this is Randal.  My last post went over so good that I have been getting requests to write again... but I had to wait for the right time, the right venue... so in the writing style of my last post here is an update:

Beth still works at EP, with her sister. 
Beth likes her work.
Beth makes cakes in her free time... they are good.
Please order a cake.

I, Randal, work at CCH.
I work in the Sales and Use Tax department.
It has to do with the reporting of the sales tax you paid this morning for your Starbucks.
No Shave Novemeber is coming... are you ready?

Here are recent pics of the kids:

Madsion at Uncle Alan's Wedding

6 Months

Brotherly Love

2 Years old

Mason laughing at a joke... 2 Years Old.
(Have you heard the one about the brick?)

Thinking about everything he has seen in the past two years.