
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

To Stir Up...

A few weeks ago, I posted about emotions and being honest with them and not trying to hide them. I promised more posts on that topic, yet here I am, weeks later...still struggling with how to be honest and open.  There are so many thoughts swimming in my head about this, so many emotional struggles that I'm wrestling with at the moment, so many things that I'm still learning, that I've been fighting with what words to say.  So bear with me while we figure this out together...

I talked briefly in that last post about realizing that my emotions are not a curse, not a hindrance, but instead are a gift; something that makes me more like my Creator, not something that pushes me further from Him. That, I think, has been the biggest lesson I've learned on this journey of emotional honesty.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Schafers House Party

We like to have dance parties at our house - a lot - you know, because we're cool like that. I can't think of a day with M&m where we haven't broken into song and busted a move at least once. My life has turned into a musical, just like I always wanted it to...

Tonight was no different - Mason wanted to have a party after dinner, so I turned on our old standby - a Killers concert that we recorded on Palladia a few years ago. We recorded it for Randal and I, but a very young Mason responded to it and busted out some sweet dance moves for his new favorite band, so we've continued to hold onto it and the kids both still enjoy it.

Go ahead, say what you're thinking - "I wish someone would throw a Killers dance party for me!"