
Friday, March 13, 2009

Lots to report...

Ok, so it's been forever again -sorry! Life has been hectic - lots of comings and goings! And lots of big news to report :)

First of all, we're eating a lot of "big boy" food - trying all kinds of exciting things like sweet potatoes (Grammy Denise, tell that guy that lives with you that he loved them!!), bananas, applesauce, and pears. Some days he takes them better than others, but over all I think it's been a success! He loves to sit up in his high chair and see the world!

Still no teeth - but he has several that have been trying to come in for a really long time! It seems like forever ago that they started looking like they would break through any day - but they don't seem to be bothering Mason at all, so I guess I won't let it bother me!

Mason is also really trying hard to crawl - he's doing great pushups and has been able to get one leg underneath him really well, but can't quite get the whole thing down yet - he still doesn't like being on his stomach for very long, and would rather play sitting up, but I think we'll get there soon :)

The biggest thing (I think anyway!) is that he is now saying Da-da really clearly! I don't think he quite knows who he is referring to, but it's fun to hear it anyway :) I'm working on getting Mama out of him and we're getting close!

He loves to clap and it makes him crack up every time. He's playing with all the toys that he's big enough for now and really likes that. The last couple of days, we've been giving him baths out of the little infant tub and he really likes sitting up in there by himself - he likes to play with all of his bath toys and likes to stay in there a lot longer now that he can entertain himself!

We hit the 6 month mark in February, so we took some pictures at Portait Innovations - and if I do say so myself, I think we have quite a handsome little red-head on our hands!!!

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