
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My baby boy is THREE!!

Mason had his birthday last month…wow! How time really does fly! Those mostly sleep deprived, horribly hormonal, beautiful days when he was a newborn seem just like yesterday!

*Side note: That thing about forgetting all that stuff?? It’s a lie. You don’t forget. You
remember, or at least I do, every horrible moment of miserable pregnancy problems and a
horrific labor process. I will never forget, and neither will my children! I remember, but I still
say they’re worth it *

We opted for a Sesame Street birthday this year – Mason was super excited about having an Elmo
cake! I will say, it’s way more fun planning a birthday party when you feel like your child actually gets
it and is excited about it! We had a ton of fun celebrating with some of our friends and family and
Mason thought it was so much fun! Before he was even done opening his gifts, he looked at me and
asked if he could have another birthday! So sweet! He made sure that I knew ahead of time that he
wanted everyone to sing “Happy Birthday To Me” and to clap after, so he was pretty pumped when that happened and just giggled on my lap the whole time!

Little sister had a ton of fun at the party too! She looked adorable in her Cookie Monster outfit, but
refused to keep the tutu on after about 15 minutes . I always said I don’t know what I would do if I
had a girly girl…that I didn’t think I could handle not being able to relate to her. Well, I got what I asked for! She refuses to wear cute skirts, tutus, shoes, or bows in her hair! I refuse to cut her mullet so that people will actually be able to tell that she’s a girl!

Madison has learned to take her diaper off and refuses to keep her clothes on now. Everyone always
warned me that I would have a problem with the BOY not keeping his clothes on…who knew my little
baby girl would be such a streaker?! She’s starting to get a little more verbal, but finds creative ways to communicate with us throughout the day. She loves to read and would have our bedtime story-time
session be every book on the shelf if she could.

Mason is completely potty trained now (can I get a HALLELUJAH?!). Staying dry through the night, so no more pullups! Yay! He also likes to announce to us and to the world that he has boy parts and his sister doesn’t. And he’s awfully concerned that someone stole hers. Great. I’m really looking forward to the over-heard conversations in the public restroom about this issue. It’s both sad and sweet that it bothers him so much and I have to contain my laughter every time we visit this topic.

His favorite thing right now is talking about being a Ginger. He’s so proud! And he loves to talk about
Cody (our pastor) and call him a ginger. We thank God for all the gingers during our prayers every night. That’s right, Gingers of the world, we’ve got you covered with the Big Guy.

In Mommy Management news – I have new chore charts that I’m super excited about. I miss being the
organizational freak that I used to be and this is my attempt at re-claiming my former self. Who knew
daily/weekly/monthly checklists could be so fun?

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