
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Busy, busy, busy

Mason turned 2 on August 14th and we had a great party with some friends and family - of course, we had a Toy Story theme :)  I made an etch-a-sketch cake and we grilled out, then we opened presents.  Mason had a great time opening his gifts and even impressed everyone when he recognized the jayhawk on his new sweats :)   He made this momma so proud!

After Mason's party, I took a nap (can I get a HALLELUJAH!?) and then Randal & I headed out for a fantastic date night at a  Dave Matthews Band concert.  We had dinner and then got to the concert right before it started to rain.  We had so much fun at the concert while my mom and dad watched & played with the kids.  Thanks to the parentals for a great evening out!

The next day, we had baby dedication for Madison and that went very smoothly, except for Randal and Pastor Cody posing like nerds in the picture :)

After church, we rushed down to see some family & my grandpa, who is in a rehab facility since his knee surgery.  It was so great to see all of our family that doesn't live close enough to see more than once or twice a year.  None of them had met either of the kids, so that was so sweet to get to do...we had a blast visiting and playing skip-bo and got back home WAY too late to go to work the next day! 

While we were visiting Grandpa Bob, we rode the elevator up to his room and as soon as the doors closed, Mason said "I want to get out" - it cracked all of us up :) We went back the next Saturday and he proceeded to color in blue crayon on the clean white bed sheets...oops!

On a side note, my friend Melissa is heading out to Uganda today to go get her beautiful little girl Mercy and I'm SO excited for her :)

On another side note, I'd like to give my parents a shout out for raising me to be a girl with a backbone that can stick up for myself...I've seen a lot of people lately that just can't seem to do anything to stick up for themselves and I am thankful that my parents raised me to know better! I know I might do it too much, but you can never have too much of a good thing, right? ;)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the "thanks". I'm not sure what all the back bone thing is about, but I'm glad we did something right! LOL
