
Friday, March 30, 2012

Little Reminders of the Wonderful

I just don't want to forget this. 

I was having a relatively crappy morning today.  I was frustrated and stressed out and had to run out to get something to take back to work and eat while I answered the phones.  My attitude was horrible at best.

I speed walked to the van absolutely hating the fact that I had to rush.  Then, as I pulled out of the parking lot onto the street I heard this from the back seat:

"This is a secret mission into uncharted space!"

This was followed by the sound of Buzz Lightyear's laser blasting me from the floor of the van.  Apparently, Buzz was dropped onto the floor in the perfect position so that every time I turned a corner, it pushed one of his buttons and I heard a different shout. 

What can you do but giggle?

So thank you Mason.  For distracting and cheering mommy up when she needed it most.  For a little reminder of the wonderful reasons I do what I do.  But mostly just for being the precious, sweet, Toy Story loving boy you are.

I have a feeling this afternoon is going to be much better than this morning! :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Batman & Deodorant.

M is one of the funniest kids I've ever met in my life.  Now, I know, everyone thinks their kid is funny and cute.  But seriously...he's hilarious. Just trust me.  And enjoy these latest giggles. 

I've started trying to tell him when things are rude (talking out of turn, talking with your mouth full, etc) and explaining that's the reason we don't do certain things. He's got the concept down for the most part, but now tells me I'm being rude when I do something he doesn't like.  Take this morning for instance.  I set him up in our bed when he woke up early and let him start watching Phineas & Ferb.  Then, I went back into our bathroom to finish doing my hair.  When I came out to get him dressed for the day, this is what I found:

When I started to laugh, he got irritated and told me I was being rude.  He said, "This is how Batman watches cartoons, and it's not funny!"  Well...excuse me.  It's things like this that start a day off on the right foot :) No matter how bad my day is today, I'll have this image in my head! 

Another funny from the Ginger is his new-found love of deodorant.  You read that right - deodorant.  He loves to steal his dad's Irish Spring and lather up.  He puts it from his elbows to his ribs, because apparently he's a sweaty kid.  Then, he'll come up to you with a big grin and his arms raised and tell you to smell "under his shoulders" (I'm working on that...) because he has his "dodorant" on.  I'm not going to lie, it's a little strong.  Ok, a lot strong and sometimes makes me nauseus. But it makes him happy and puberty is just around the corner, so I'm not discouraging this.  Maybe, just maybe, this love for "dodorant" will continue and we can avoid those gross Jr. High boy smells in our house.  Maybe.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Confessions of a Non-Crafty Mom

I bake. That’s about the extent of my craftiness, and that doesn’t even really count. I wish I was better at these things, but have to admit that I am not gifted in this area: At all. In fact, I’m rather horrible at crafty things. I’m pretty sure that, out of all of my friends and family, I am the least crafty person I know. It’s really rather pathetic .

I don’t think you can understand just how bad I am at this until you witness me trying to complete a project. I’m in tears within 5 minutes of trying to make a paper garland for the kids’ birthdays. I’m embarrassed when I can’t even figure out how to tie ribbon on a jar and make it look cute. I try to make cards, but they always end up looking like the kids made them, and eventually that excuse won’t work!

I do not sew. I did…in junior high…in home-ec class…under close supervision. That was the last time I used a sewing machine. I got really good at making throw pillows because that was all I could make. Now, I see all of my friends making the most adorable pillow case dresses for their little girls and making little quiet books for their kids. My kids will have no such thing unless it is purchased from someone else. I can barely sew on a button. I cannot mend, I cannot hem, I own a set of small spools of thread and like 5 needles. No sewing machine is in my near future. Maybe someday I’ll take a class…or maybe I’ll have R take a class! ;)

My grandmother is probably really disappointed in me.

The only thing I’m worse at is actually thinking up crafty things. I love Pinterest because it gives me ideas that I would never come up with my own. I love to pin cute ideas for things around the house and for the kids. Even gift wrapping ideas are really fun to pin, and I’ve been able to pull off a couple...But I pin a LOT of ideas.

Whether I will complete the majority of those things is a resounding “NO”, but I like to pretend and fantasize that, one day, that Martha Stewart gene will activate and I’ll be able to throw together the perfect project that will come out looking as good as, or better than, what I had in my head.

Until that day, we’re screwed.

Sorry kids.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Open Letter Series: Part Six - My Parents

Mom & Dad – 
Thank you.  For everything.  I can’t begin to list how much I appreciate all of the hard work and patience that you’ve shown me over the past 27 years.  Thanks for all of the lessons you’ve taught me, and for all of the lessons that you’ve been willing to learn right along with me, as well as the ones you knew I needed to learn on my own. 

Thank you for teaching me how to be a hard worker and be responsible.  I love that you made me get a job.  I love that I had to help out around the house and that I learned how to cook and even took care of meals when I was in high school.  I’m sure I complained, probably a lot…but now, I’m thankful that I know how to do that stuff. J On the other hand, I still love mom’s home cooked meals and dad’s French toast! 

Mom, thanks for bringing me into this world, even though I put you through the ringer in the process.  Dad, thanks for making it in time to meet me, even if it was a close call J  Thanks for putting up with me during my irritating times (I know there were a lot of those).  Thanks for keeping me in check when I thought I knew better than everyone.  Thanks for encouraging me to chase my dreams and, most of all, for letting me decide what those dreams were. Thank you for my braces.  One thing I loved about working as a teller was how many comments I got on how pretty my smile was.  I always made sure to tell people that it was thanks to you!

Laughing at where Marc got stuck!

Thank you for my sense of humor. I like to think that your kids got the perfect blend of the two of you when it comes to this.  We’re quick and sarcastic and we know how to give each other a hard time and turn just about any situation into a fun one.  I love that about you two and I love that you passed that on.  Thank you for making family time a priority.  Not until I got older did I realize just how rare this is.  I love that it’s hard to leave the holiday get togethers and the family dinners.  I love that we are all nerdy and love to play board games and spend time with each other.

Thank you for making me wait until I was 16 to date.  As much as I HATED this rule, and as many times as I tried to find a way around it, I really appreciate it now.  It taught me to take the relationships that I had seriously.  And while I’ve had my fair share of heartbreak, you taught me to appreciate the good things and to look for the important stuff and not to budge on my values. 

Thank you for the late night talks and advice.  I loved my time at home and I think this is the part that I appreciated most in the moment.  Whether you were being a shoulder to cry on, listening to me vent about my frustrations with school and boys, or helping me work out my journey to deepen my relationship with Christ, you both were always there when I needed you.  I can’t begin to put into words how much that means to me to this day, or how much this will mean to my kids someday.  You taught me how to listen to my kids and be there for whatever they need, when they need it.  You were always my voice of reason and so many of those nights still play in my head when I’m working something out.

This is my favorite picture of you two!

Thank you for being great examples of how far God can bring you in a short time.  Thank you for sharing your stories with me.  The honesty and openness that you showed me is the reason that I am the woman I am today.  Your bravery in sharing your stories about your heartbreaking journey through bad decisions, heartbreaking loss, and coming to know and walk with Christ have shaped my faith in redemption and healing. Your example has walked me through my toughest days and the faith that you helped me establish is the reason I can face each day with confidence, hope, and purpose. 

I always love coming home and I am so very thankful for that.  Even though my room looks different, it still feels like home to me.  I love that I have a place to take my kids and show them where mommy grew up and tell them all about my wonderful memories there.  Because of your example, my kids will get an honest version of childhood, teenage years, and moving on into independence and adulthood.  There will be stories of heartbreak, there will be learning experiences, but most of all, there will be happy memories to share; memories of love and faith that I couldn’t imagine being written any better.  

Thank you for being the best parents a girl could ask for.  Thank you for being the ones that God placed in my life for a reason and for following His lead in raising me.  Thank you for being the kind of parents I hope that Randal and I can be to our kids. 

I love you both more than I can ever say.