
Monday, March 12, 2012

Confessions of a Non-Crafty Mom

I bake. That’s about the extent of my craftiness, and that doesn’t even really count. I wish I was better at these things, but have to admit that I am not gifted in this area: At all. In fact, I’m rather horrible at crafty things. I’m pretty sure that, out of all of my friends and family, I am the least crafty person I know. It’s really rather pathetic .

I don’t think you can understand just how bad I am at this until you witness me trying to complete a project. I’m in tears within 5 minutes of trying to make a paper garland for the kids’ birthdays. I’m embarrassed when I can’t even figure out how to tie ribbon on a jar and make it look cute. I try to make cards, but they always end up looking like the kids made them, and eventually that excuse won’t work!

I do not sew. I did…in junior high…in home-ec class…under close supervision. That was the last time I used a sewing machine. I got really good at making throw pillows because that was all I could make. Now, I see all of my friends making the most adorable pillow case dresses for their little girls and making little quiet books for their kids. My kids will have no such thing unless it is purchased from someone else. I can barely sew on a button. I cannot mend, I cannot hem, I own a set of small spools of thread and like 5 needles. No sewing machine is in my near future. Maybe someday I’ll take a class…or maybe I’ll have R take a class! ;)

My grandmother is probably really disappointed in me.

The only thing I’m worse at is actually thinking up crafty things. I love Pinterest because it gives me ideas that I would never come up with my own. I love to pin cute ideas for things around the house and for the kids. Even gift wrapping ideas are really fun to pin, and I’ve been able to pull off a couple...But I pin a LOT of ideas.

Whether I will complete the majority of those things is a resounding “NO”, but I like to pretend and fantasize that, one day, that Martha Stewart gene will activate and I’ll be able to throw together the perfect project that will come out looking as good as, or better than, what I had in my head.

Until that day, we’re screwed.

Sorry kids.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a couple wonderful grandchildren! You do bake and cook great, and that is a craft of its own. You have many talents. Unfortunately, maybe there are some of those craft genes that your parents didn't get and couldn't pass on. I'm glad you can laugh about it and know it isn't the end of the world. Even when we want to cry because we can't make some stupid idiodic crazy little thing!!!!! I'm happy with myself. ;-)

    Love you,
