
Monday, November 5, 2012

Uganda Post 9 - The Sights & Funnies

These things aren't serious or deep...but I still don't want to forget them :) These are the things that still make me smile when I think of them...

Melissa asking me every 2 minutes if I would still be her friend when we got back home.

I took a Tylenol PM before our flight out of Uganda so that I could sleep. I feel asleep as soon as I sat down on the plane and the flight attendant and Melissa R. had to shake me awake and have me fasten my seatbelt so that we could take off.

On our road trip to Jinja/Mbale, we rode on a japanese bus that said something like "Excuse me....this IS a bus". I REALLY wish I would have recorded it on my phone and made it my ringtone...

How I met Kerri: Becki left her phone charging at our seats at the gate while she ran to the restroom.  She had already told us that Kerri's connecting flight was going to be quick and she was going to have to run through the airport.  So when Becki's phone started ringing and Kerri's name popped up, I felt like I had to answer it.  So I got to introduce myself while answering a stranger's phone to the poor girl on the other end who was running through the Atlanta airport...awkward.

At the Starbucks in Amsterdam, Kerri = Gary.

The kids across the road from the hotel in Mbale shouted "mzungu!!! mzungu!!!" until I acknowledged them every time I came in and out of my room.

Melissa driving the van...thanks goodness we weren't in Kampala.

Melissa's Ugandan sunglasses.

Kim & Melissa taking their Katniss Everdeen bows home for their kids.  Motherly love, meet airport security...

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