
Friday, May 3, 2013

Thought you got rid of me didn't you??

Ok, so it's been a couple of weeks since I posted. My apologies. But little did you know that I secretly have about 10 posts waiting in the wings...but I'm blocked. Stuck. Mostly because I've been holding myself back on them. But as soon as I can muster up the courage to put on my big girl panties, you're all in for it...we're talking posts on emotions, beauty, transparency, surprising ministry opportunities, and birthmarks - yes, birthmarks! You've got lots of great things ahead of you because God's been doing a great work in me, so hold your horses!

But for now, you get a family update - can I get a hoorah!?!?!  Yay for a little peak back into daily life at the Schafers house. Never a dull moment here! So here's what we've been up to:

Mason is almost done with preschool (wowza).  The end of the year is fast approaching for our little man and he has grown up so much, it's killing me inside!  Oh, the anguish of us mothers - we're supposed to help these kids grow up into fine adult human beings, but all I really want to do is make him be a baby again so that I can rock him to sleep and sing hymns...and he just thinks I'm joking when I try to do that now! lol

He's been playing soccer, as previously mentioned. The fantastic news is that he's done with the crying (his words, not mine!) and is actually enjoying playing now!  He still says "I don't want to play soccer" every once in a while, but he just turns himself around and gets back out there.  He doesn't kick the ball much, and only on purpose about half the time, but that guy LOVES running around on the field with his friends and clinging to his coach like he's his best friend. He cheers on his teammates as they run after the ball and kind of skip-runs after them. He's adorable and he's mine and you can't have him.

He still likes to pick on his sister, but also loves to just hug and love on her. They are best friends and mortal enemies, just like all good siblings are. They are both anxious for this ridiculous Kansas weather to make up it's mind that it's Spring so that we can play outside and go for walks. But since this week it was 90 degrees one day and 30 and snowing the next, there's no telling...

Madison is growing like a weed.  She's about as big as her brother now (which we warned him would happen) and her attitude continues to grow. She's the funniest child ever - you other parents just don't even know (ha!) - and she keeps us laughing all the time. Her speech has improved beyond my comprehension over this past semester and we just love that she can finally explain herself without getting frustrated.  It's so much fun to hear her playing and to be able to understand just how crazy her imagination is :)

Randal is in training for his upcoming race season and we are busy making plans for all of that. We've got lots of church activities going on and just crazy life in general! We have a sweet little bird that decided to build a nest on our front door, so we have 4 sweet little blue eggs waiting to hatch (pretty sure that's a robin??)!  The kids named the first two after they were laid...Mason named his "Wilbur" from the movie Meet the Robinsons and Madison named hers "Catch" and we're still not sure why. When I asked them what the mommy bird's name was, Mason promptly answered "Beth Schafers" - that lucky bird!  We haven't gotten around to naming the last two eggs that Beth dropped off, so hopefully we'll find some good names before those babies are flying!

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