
Saturday, October 5, 2013

The funny side of life...

Our life is far from perfect, but it is also usually pretty hilarious. This is one of those times that I kind of wish we had cameras following us around...

So my brother got married last weekend (collective YAY)! Randal had the honor of being a groomsman, so we went hunting for a new suit a couple of weekends before the big day. What happened next is hilarious and, frankly, too good not to share.

JC Penney's was having a big sale, so that was obviously our first choice for R's new duds.  I set the kids on some chairs with some Angry Birds and some football on the TV (yes, I'm THAT parent and I'm perfectly ok with that) and Randal and I started hunting for the perfect suit.

Let's just say that the JCP racks mid-sale are a bit of a mess. We would find the right color jacket, but they were out of that color of pants or the right size, etc. The hunt was exhaustive, and I was starting to think that we were going to end up paying double somewhere else just because we couldn't find matching pieces.

Fast forward about 30 minutes...Randal had collaborated with the sales guy to call the West mall and we were waiting to hear if they had what we needed. I was hanging out in the waiting area with the kids watching a little Gameday and Randal came running...

"I found the pants!" he said.

"Where?!" I said, as I jumped from my chair in excitement.

"Over here, come here - bring the kids!" he said hurriedly.

Angry Birds would have to wait. I jumped the kids into action thinking we would grab the pants and head towards the register and get on with our day. We were abuzz with the anticipation of getting out of there.

I was terribly wrong in my understanding of what "finding" the pants meant. I realized this as Randal led us to an area where there were no racks, but only a couple of mannequins in the aisle.

"Where are the pants?" I said.

"On that guy" he said.

"You're kidding me" I said, as I started to double over in a chuckle.

The kids were cracking up, Randal had his "this is awesome" look on his face and I was on the verge of a snort imagining what the rest of this situation was going to entail.

We evaluated the mannequin and I assured Randal that I was NOT going to be assisting in the undressing of this guy. He headed off to find an "associate" as I tried to keep the kids in check by introducing them to the mannequin. We figured it'd be less awkward for him if he at least knew our names. ha!

Randal and the lady from Penney's arrived and they started to undo the man's pants. This poor girl was about our age and was cracking me up by getting involved in our banter about making the mannequin strip in the middle of the store.

Then the pants came off and this happened...

"LOOK! You can see his weiner!" Mason yelled.

"MASON! SHHHHH!" I snapped.

"That's HILARIOUS" Penney's lady laughed.

Giggles were heard throughout the store as Randal and I tried to keep our composure.  Madison just laughed and pointed where brother pointed and we tried to get this situation taken care of in the middle of our giggling.

I still haven't stopped laughing when I look at this picture.  It could have been a terribly embarrassing moment.  Luckily, I'm kind of past public embarrassment and I love being able to laugh with these littles at the hilarious happenings that come our way so often.

May you enjoy all of your funny-filled moments today!

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