
Monday, September 16, 2013

Mason is 5! The Kindness Edition...

As is our new tradition, we set out recently to do some acts of kindness for Mason's birthday!

I had things all mapped out in my head prior to his birthday, but as mentioned in my prior post, Mason changed all that with his much-bigger-than-mine heart! So after a couple of weeks of gathering supplies and reworking plans, we had our big day! Here are the details on how my boy blessed others this time (my apologies for the lack of awesome pictures)!

1. The Blessing Bags:
As you read in my previous post, Mason wanted to do something for homeless people in our area. I've stopped and given food to some people on the street before when I've had M&m with me and we've talked about helping these people who need Love so much. I'm so thankful it sunk in and that he pushed me on this. These bags were just as much a blessing to me I think as they will be to those who receive them!

I asked my Facebook friends to donate the items for these bags and within hours I had everything we needed and more vouched for. It took me about a week to connect with everyone and get the supplies. By the time we were done collecting items, my dining table was covered in bags. When I emptied all the containers and opened the boxes, I stood looking at the supplies with amazed eyes. How thankful I am for faithful friends who saw an opportunity to help and jumped on it...


Mason and I started putting together the bags, and of course, little sister wanted to jump in! Mason loved having Madison as his helper and they took turns filling the bags after he showed her how to do it. They loved doing this together, which has been a struggle lately, so I was super grateful for that! They even celebrated together after the assembly was completed and then delivered the bags to the Wichita Children's Home together. We know they'll put them to good use and get them into the hands of some teens who need that blessing most.

Heading into WCH to deliver the bags together

2. The Lords Diner:
Because Mason wanted to continue doing acts for those who are most in need, we took some supplies to the Lords Diner. I called and asked for their biggest needs and Mason and I ran into Dillons to check a couple of things off of their list. He had a blast pushing the cart and pulling things off the shelf, then helping to deliver the items to the Diner. I love that just a few simple items like a couple packs of paper towels and some big bottles of vinegar can help that ministry flourish and operate a little easier.

3. The balloons:
Mason had a great time passing out balloons to some kids last year and wanted to do it again. We took balloons to church on Sunday night and he gave them to his little friends after class. I didn't get any pictures and didn't actually get to see him give the balloons out, but based on the look of the kids that had them when I came walking through the gym, I think they liked this one :)

4. The hug:
One of the things Mason said he wanted to do was something for a special someone we know serving overseas. I racked my brain thinking of something special and unique to brighten that someone's day and found a thing on Pinterest about "mailing a hug", so we ran with it! Mason thought it was pretty awesome, and I hope that M's little buddy's daddy thinks it's pretty awesome too!


5. The high fives:
When I asked Mason what he wanted his 5th thing to be, I listed off a few options. He apparently didn't like anything I suggested, because he threw out "what if I gave people high fives?" When I pressed him on the topic, he explained how awesome he thinks it is when people give him a high five, so we went with it. So over the weekend, when we were in public, in church, even in our house sometimes...he gave everyone who would cooperate a high five. It was actually really awesome to see how it perked some people up and made them smile when you could tell they weren't in the best of moods. Who doesn't love a spunky 5 year old redhead wanting to make you feel a little more awesome?

I love how often Mason asks to do these things throughout the year and gets excited for his big birthday project. This experiment has surpassed my expectations and has made showing Love to the world a little easier to teach my kids. Today, I am so very thankful for that!

'Til next year folks!

Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. ~ Hebrews 13:1-2

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