
Saturday, November 12, 2011

The gloves are coming off.

I recently read a book about being a "happy mother".  I can't say that it was earth shattering or life changing, but I can say that I think it's something every woman should consider reading, mother or not. I enjoyed talking with another mom who was reading it at the same time and discussing some of the chapter in particular.

The chapter that hit home for me was the one about competition.  I'm horrible about this, I'm just going to come out and admit that right off the bat.  Most women are, let's be really honest.  We are catty - it's one of our most well-known traits across all generations.  We like to gossip and compare ourselves to those around us.  As a working mom, I feel like I have to "measure up" to those that stay at home.  Like I have to prove that, even though I'm not with my kids all day, we have just as good of a bond and my kids are just as smart and well adjusted. As a woman, I have to "measure up" with the way that I look.  Well this has got to stop.  Because if I really want to call myself a Christ follower, then I have to be making the effort to become more like Him.  And He is not catty.  He doesn't gossip. He doesn't compare.  I am made in His image, so I need to stop with all the silly comparisons. 

These comparisons, this competition, it's breaking us. It's stealing away wonderful relationships.  The "I'm prettier than her" and "I'm a better mom than her" attitudes are keeping us from fabulous friendships.  The "she's not good enough for him" attitudes are breaking up our marriages.  The "I have to prove that I'm a better woman/mom than her" attitude is stealing time away from our families.  The "I'm too good for her" attitudes are defeating our ministries.  The "I need to lose 10 more pounds to look as good as her" attitudes are compromising our confidence and resulting in unhealthy body images for us and our daughters. 

This cycle has gone on for thousands of years...and it's just going to continue unless we make a real effort to stop it.  It's in our nature, so it's hard to fight, but it's worth the effort.  We need to make a point of lifting each other up, encouraging one another.  Find the good in the women around us.  Stop comparing and just start seeing. 

Then, I think, we'll be able to have the relationships that God is aching for us to have - the no-holds-barred kind of loving relationships we were made for.

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