
Friday, December 30, 2011

Open Letter Series - Part Four: Mason

To my oldest first favorite Ginger:

It's been over 3 years since I became a mommy to a beautiful little boy. You were an active were quite the gymnast and didn't let me sleep much.  You gave me heartburn, headaches, and backaches.  You were stubborn and didn't want to get here when you were supposed to.  They literally had to pull you out of me, screaming and kicking all the way. You prepared me for motherhood before you ever saw the outside world.  :) 

You have given me more gut laughs in the last 3 years than I can count.  You make your dad and I laugh so hard that we have trouble disciplining you.  You definitely got daddy's sense of know when you're being funny and you run with it. I'm so glad you know how to make life fun and light and I hope you'll keep that quality. 

You're one of the best big brothers I've ever seen.  You watch out for your sister all the time.  Granted, you guys have your little spats and sometimes have difficulty sharing, but you are best friends.  I pray that you'll always be there for each other.  She looks up to you and wants to be like you...remember that. You guys have so much fun together and I love that you're so close in age so you can do the same things and have fun.  I look forward to seeing the fun things you guys get into in the coming years.

Keep your sense of adventure.  You are super curious and want to do everything right along side your daddy and me.  Keep learning and trying new things.  You don't like to be bored and if you look in the right places for your next big thing, you'll go far.  I hope you'll use your curiousity to learn as much as you can, especially about God.  You like to ask questions, and that's good.  Keep searching and learning and growing.  You're a smart kid,  so use your brains, but learn to listen to your heart too.  You process stuff on a deep level, listen to those emotions.  Work hard to find a good balance between your brains and your feelings.

I pray that you'll grow into a fine, strong man.  I pray for your future wife, that she would grow into a woman that you can be best friends with and build a wonderful life with.  I pray that you would find a career that will make you happy and that you would follow wherever God leads you.  I want nothing more for you than to know Him and His plans for you.  Be kind, strong, and honest.  Value your relationships and make them a priority and you'll grow into the wonderful man that I can already see growing before me now.

I love you,

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